So, in Sweden we went out at least 2 times a week, sometimes even 3. That was the time when my partylife started. We will see how it is going to be here :) In Sweden we went to club (Bånken) at 10 p.m., had a beer or cider there and then partied (12 p.m. - 3 a.m.), at 3 a.m. it was closed. In Varna I just came back home and it's 6 a.m. now. First we went to Cubo bar at the beach, the one where we were also yesterday, then we met some Bulgarian people there and this is how it went: Lali spoke to a younger one in English and I spoke to older ones in Russian, as Russian is more popular between older people here, who were obligated to study it in USSR. So, these people recommended us two nice clubs in Varna - Xtravaganzza and Copacabana. 5 leva entrance to each (2,50 EUR or 1,75 LVL), which is extremely cheap comparing to Sweden (100 SEK = 11,50 EUR = 8 LVL). Well, what can I say, nothing can ever compare to Bånken. Xtravaganzza is a nice place, when you stand on some kind of balcony, you can see the waves just almost under you, it's situated in old hangar for a plane and is really nice, but you really need to like the kind of music they play there, which is some kind of mix of Turkish and pop music.
Xtravaganzza club |
Anyway, we stayed there for around half an hour and went just across the street - to Copacabana, where they played more popular music, and there were also a lot of old and famous songs, like "It's my life" by Jon Bon Jovi or "Wonderwall" by Oasis, and the one that surprised me the most in a good way - "Nas ne dogonyat" by Tatu. I mean the original one, not the "Not gonna get us" version, and it was really fun to hear it.
The people: The people in clubs are much nicer here, than in Sweden (I compare nightlife here to nightlife in Sweden because I go out in Latvia really rare). If they accidentally touch you or bump into you, they smile and show that they are sorry, but in Sweden it is normal to bump into each other and go. Well, I didn't meet many Bulgarian people in clubs, but for instance the Turkish ones were really annoying. "I love your eyes, they are so beautiful" c'mon, at least be more creative, I heard better ones :)
The drinks: Cubo bar at the beach - beer or Jin Tonic - 3 leva (1,5 EUR = 1,05 LVL), both clubs: beer - 5 leva (2,50 EUR = 1,75 LVL).
The birds are STILL being loud, but I am too tired to hear them.
Good night!
So true