It all started Wednesday morning, when Lali sent invitations to the party to ALL the company. All of it. Not only Varna office, but also London, Barcelona and Copenhagen. So all day at work was dedicated to making a list of first 20 people who answered her e-mail, in order to not to destroy the apartment that the company is paying for. But it didn't really help. Well, the party was good. There was no music, no dancing, just drinking sangria and talking, but at 1.30 am our neighbors decided that they can't take it any more and called the police. When police came, Despina and I were closed on a balcony and that's why our guests didn't believe at first that the police actually came, but when they did, all became quite, some people went downstairs to talk to the policemen and after we just went to the beach, being already not 20, but around dozen or even less. That could be it, but it was just the beginning.
After that countless e-mails and talks followed. How irresponsible we are, was the best one. Neighbors not only called the police, but also our landlord, so next time something like that happens, we will live on the street. But it won't. Everyone who just could tried to show us how bad we are. And when the week finally ended and we thought that it all ended, we got one more e-mail, starting with "let's make it clear...", sorry, but it IS clear.
Not only party is what makes this week stressful. Mustafa was supposed to come this weekend and we were supposed to have at least good weekend, but at 12.30 am Friday night I got a message from Iv saying that "Mustafa is not coming, he has to stay at the police area till 5 am when is his flight back to Sweden. Plans ruined..." I still don't get it how he managed to leave Sweden without visa, but I hope that they treated him nicely in Sofia police. Because Mustafa is a really nice friend of Iv, me and Despina.
You think this is it, right? No, it's not. Saturday we had our first fight with Despina. Well, not really fight, more of an argue, but still. I think it was just the stress of last days that affected that.
I don't want to say that everything is bad, no. It's just this period when some things went wrong and you don't know how much will it last till it will be fine again. And you start thinking what else is wrong and finding some stupid stuff in mind. And it's really difficult, when you even cannot talk about it to someone in your own language. Which you start forgetting, because you don't use it at all.
It will be fine, just need some time.
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