First of all, I would like to say that it's been 16 days since I started this blog and it's been 380 previews in this time, not counting mine. Plus the fact that some friends ask me to write more often, and some friends even tell me that they don't feel like I am far away, because they read my blog all the time and feel like I am near. This means a lot to me and makes me want to write more, but I don't have much time after work and try not to spend it in front of computer, I have enough of computer time at work. Anyway, thanks for reading me, read me more! :)

Next good thing I want to share with you is that I finally got myself a camera, it's canon powershot sx130is, and I am absolutely happy about it. My last camera was powershot sx100is and it stopped working after I split half a liter of coffee over it in March this year. Couldn't wait one more month till sx140is will be announced and just bought myself this one. So now I am taking amateur pictures of everything around me. For example the cat at the "Happy" restaurant, where Despina and me had dinner last night. Or my hat at the beach. And of course my favorite one - the moon.

Next thing I want to write about is the great weekend we had. Even though the beginning of Saturday wasn't that perfect, later it became much better than could be expected. Saturday evening in a nice restaurant outside of the city with some sea food and amazing view to full moon, later - walking on seaside and enjoying a cocktail at a really nice place called Pench's, that has more than 100 different cocktails on the menu. And of course Sunday beach, not the overcrowded and dirty one in center, but really nice and clean one 15 km outside of the city. And of course walking in the evening with Desi, finding a book of Sergey Esenin where all the poems are in both Russian and Bulgarian, so I promised that soon I will speak in Bulgarian very beautiful, with poetic phrases :)
So, in conclusion I would like to say that the weather is perfect, the sun is shining, the sea is beautiful and everything is wonderful :) Smile :)
P.S. for the great weekend I should say thank you to Ani, Despina and Daniel! Thx! :)
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